Reflective Essay About Travelling

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Travelling means exploring places, learning about history, giving ideas, being creative, and trusting yourself. Going on this trip with Edu travel has definitely made me into a more intelligent and curious human being. I feel like I have discovered a whole new world that I never knew had existed. I have absorbed so much information and feel so bright and fresh. I believe this trip has really effected me positively. I feel smarter, more self-reliant, and a lot more confident with myself. Something I really liked about this trip was how independent it was. I liked being able to go do things with my friends, but also having the responsibility of getting all my assignments done on time without someone telling me to do it. I felt very independent …show more content…

Even though these people do not have a home, and do not have that much money, they were all very respectful and nice. Personally, it was hard to see these people everywhere. I felt bad and guilty for not giving them money, or not stopping and talking to them. Sometimes it is hard because you do not know how the homeless will act. You do not know them; therefore it is a little scary going near them. I want to be able to react better around homeless, by giving them more smiles, or even some money. I want to be able to act like they are just another human being living their life, and not an actual homeless people living on the streets. I want to be able to treat them like equals and not look down on them as much as I did. They are just another human, or many people need to understand that. Seeing the homeless was a very eye-opening experience. Where I live, there aren’t any homeless people. So going places where there are so many really made me emotional, and really opened my eyes to what is out in the …show more content…

Leaving my home for two weeks caused me to be very homesick. It took my a few days to get used to it, but I began to have so much fun, and felt myself becoming stronger and more confident. I started to feel okay by myself so far away. I really liked getting away because where I live is so small, and New York and Washington are such big places. I loved meeting knew people and seeing a whole new world. The cities were so huge and how there was so much to do. I think it was a very good experience to get out of my small town and explore such an big, amazing part of America. Now that I am home, I am proud of myself for going away for so long. It helped prepare me for other times where I may be away from my family for a long time. Over the course of the trip, we went to many museums, memorials, and stores. I learned so much about cultures, immigration, war, and history about the past. I came home from the trip knowing so much about the world. I feel like I have gotten more intelligent from this trip. I listened carefully and tried my best understand everything that we saw and learned about. It was so interesting and amazing coming home and realizing that I actually love history. Now, I am going to be taking two courses on history in high school next year because I am so interested in

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