Reflective Essay About Learning

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To me, learning is like a bee pollinating. I am the bee, and learning is the pollen which gets picked up from a flower and then gets dropped off to another flower. I used to think that everyone would learn in a different way than how I learned. I have always had trouble learning; lessons and anything that anybody told me, would somehow not stay inside my brain. I believe that one of the very first ways that we begin to learn is in a section that Temple Grandin discusses in her article. Doing community service was an experience that has shaped my outlook on life. Anything that I do has taken time a lot of effort, but it has paid off with the knowledge that I gained. As I was reading the articles and from the discussion that were held in class, I have found that not only do we all learn kind of the same, but …show more content…

Everyone learns either by observing, memorizing, listening, interacting, ect.. I believe that everyone falls into all of these learning styles. Though some people fit better with one type of learning style than the other. Throughout my whole life the best way that I have been able to learn is by being a visual learner. This means that I learn better by observing and memorizing things. For me, repetition is the key to my success, much like how Temple Grandin in My Mind is a Web Browser: How People with Autism Think, would think and come up with ideas. She would picture anything and it would appear in her " Internet Web Browser" (Grandin 403). Where the "web browser" would searched for the keyword that she was thinking for. I may not have this advance type of memory system in my brain, but if I think of something it

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