Reflection On Attitude About Sex

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In general my attitude about sex is when it happens it happens, personally am not going to go out of my way to go get it. I can figure out other things to keep me going. Sex is something that is in everyone 's lives and it 's not going to go away. I think about sex or sexual matters throughout the day and it seems normal to me and I know I can 't be the only one. In all my friends think I know a lot about sex and that I should know a lot about this class but in reality I am knowledgeable but it 's all stuff I have looked up. My parents to my knowledge never really told me about sex I still do not even know where I heard the word because I said it once and to this day still remember her asking where I hear the word and I said I don’t know. I also was never really sheltered from seeing my parents naked or at least my mom she thought it was just normal. My parents lets put it this way can talk “dirty” and they don’t hold back if I am there and I don’t either it normal to me. I also even have heard my grandmother talk about sex and even what was the last time she had sex with my grandfather passed away. I also can talk about sex or bodily functions while eating dinner with them and no one gets sick, but if you talk It gets you to think about what really goes on in your life and how you came to these conclusions. Such as who has made an impact in your life. Like how my parents have shaped my views on sexual mates so much and me not ever really having knowledge of it. Also how certain professors have made a big impact on your thought of prostitution. I am not going to lie at first I saw prostitution it 's okay, but then really got to thinking and remember a book a professor had me read called Half The Sky and how it made an impact on how I view prostitution. I feel like I have gained more knowledge about myself that I always had but was not

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