Reflecting On My Writing

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This semester in English 101 my class spent a lot of time talking about purpose, text, and audience. This connection between each of these parts is called the rhetorical situation. We discussed how each section has a part that goes with. Purpose has a speaker, the text is made up of choices, and the audience has values and expectations. As the semester went on we were given essays and articles to read, interpret and analyze. After we analyzed and read through each article we found a purpose, choices, and determined an audience. From there we made up a comparative interpretive essay based off of what we found was important in the articles and what was important to our audience, the committee that is going to read the papers in the English 101’s portfolio. In this reflective essay I am going to discuss and interpret my two comparative interpretive essays. I will talk about my text and the choices that I made and the reasoning behind my choices, along with my audience.

Lets first start off by discussing my audience and what they value and expect to see when reading my two essays. My audience is the English 101 committee of English instructors. I feel that this committee of instructors values and expects to see a remarkable piece. They want to see an essay that has all the values and expectations in order to pass English 101. Some of these values and expectations consist of grammar and mechanics, structure, coherence and clarity, etc.

Critically interpret course texts by identifying and analyzing strategies and choices, including key terms, distinctions, and questions being asked within the texts being interpreted (UWM English 6).

This audience expects to have a clear understanding as to why the author...

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...nd compared different articles together in a in depth level, something that I feel is qualified to pass English 101. The topics of influence and doubt and uncertainty is a topic that many people may chose not to write about, but something that I found fascinating and challenging. I decided to take a chance and write about something that most people are not easily capable to understand or demonstrate. I guess you could say they may have a little doubt in themselves or may not be certain, but the influences of my English 101 class made me very confident in my choices.

Works Cited

991149301. “Uncertainty of Doubt.” UW-Milwaukee. English 101. Fall 2013. Print.

991139301. “Influence At Best.” UW-Milwaukee. English 101. Fall 2013. Print.

UWM English Department. A Students Guide to the First-Year Writing Program at UWM. Milwaukee: UWM Bookstore 2013.

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