Reflective Essay On My Writing Process

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Throughout this semester of EN 109, I have progressed as a writer and have learned to become aware of my writing process. In this time, writing four papers, giving two presentations, and completing a variety of other assignments have helped me grow as a writer. They have also helped me accept peer revisions and apply them to my advantage. In addition to personal improvements I have met the core standards for this course, and that is shown throughout my work.
During my third paper, it was a research paper and we were trying to persuade the reader to agree with our thesis. In my case I was writing the paper on how the city of Detroit is recovering from its tragic past of debt and crime. There are many word choices that need to made in order to go with the structure of the genera. So for a research persuasive essay, you have to be forward and have confidence in what you are trying to tell the audience. For example, here’s a quote from my introduction paragraph and what the main point was, “The city has to fix the crippling debt and the overwhelming crime rate in order to bring the city back to its feet.” I was confident in my statement and I was strong in what I was trying to …show more content…

I struggled with getting a set idea down at first, but then at one of the tutoring sessions, we slowly but surely got it narrowed down to the point of me being able to start my narrative. Some evidence for this would be off the back of my rubric we brain stormed: First night at work- black Friday- connect to summer un Upper Peninsula. I originally was writing a story that took time over a span of an entire summer, and eventually figured out that wouldn’t work for this assignment because a short personal narrative needs to be descriptive. Trying to write it over a length of three months, would not be as descriptive as I would need to

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