Recess Research Papers

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American Psychological Association’s Stress in America found that teens are the most stressful age group in the United States. Teens face stressful situation everyday in school and it carries throughout the whole day. A successful way to relieve of stress is the take a break, and recess can be that solution. Taking 15 to 30 minutes a day for recess would change students’ attitudes academically, mentally, and physically guaranteeing a brighter student who is ready to learn. High School is referred to the hardest time in a life, and there are many reasons why. Students have to deal with work and activities that seem to pile up on each other. An athletic student has to attend out of school practice, which will stress the student out because he has no time to do homework. A nonathletic student will most likely have an after school job that will take up all their free time for homework. As well, some students are prone to procrastinate and waste their time. All of these different kinds of students are engulfed in stress, and need a solution to help them.
A student can use recess in their own unique way to benefit them from stress. The definition of recess is a break over a short period of time. This break can be used by students to get homework done, hang out and relax, or a physical workout. Alan Kazdin, a professor of child psychiatry at Yale University …show more content…

The break tends to make the entire atmosphere a little more peaceful and less stressful. Recess also allows the students to get away from classroom. An activity in the middle of the day clears the students’ mind of all work inside the classroom. More or less, recess is refreshing the mind to help the students stay focused in the afternoon classes. “You have permission and you need to stop what you're doing, and do something totally different, totally challenging. Something that's mindful, something that creates community, something that creates generosity"

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