Real Sports Research Paper

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Thanks to new technologies and changing customer demands, the kind of entertainment that consumers get online also changes and improves over time. Just take the case of virtual sports, a simulated version of real sports. Who would have thought that a virtual rendering of sports will become hugely popular and successful today, with hundreds of thousands of players regularly placing their bets and watching the games unfold in minutes? In virtual sports, a specific sporting event is rendered and simulated using complex computer graphics, and designed to deliver instantaneous action. This means that the usual waiting time worth hours is removed, instead players will know the results of the event and wagers in minutes! Real Sports Offer Real Time Entertainment and First Hand Action …show more content…

This is an obvious assessment, knowing the qualities and experiences associated with real sporting action. In team or individual sports like tennis, you can actually see and feel the emotions and struggles of the players in real time, as it happens. Responding and reacting to their returns, strategies and play and attacking the other player are what make real sports entertaining and exhilarating. This is main element lacking in virtual sports- you are only looking at a simulated face, doing simulated computer action. Also, the moments and experience of engaging in real sports is different compared to its virtual counterpart. When following real sports, say golf, you can actually feel the playing environment and appreciate the love and passion of the spectators. If the sun is shining, you can also feel the sweltering heat, and sweat will also run down your face. In short, in real sports, you get a piece of the action and you feel the same

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