Disadvantages Of Play

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As Albert Einstein said, Play is ‘the highest form of research’ and is a natural way for our little ones to express themselves. A play is the job description of a child.

Children or adults enjoy playing games more than doing repetitive routines, especially children. Children will learn their skills mostly through play. Play-based learning is best for long-term sports success.

A play is how we learn to wait, to take turns, to develop the art of strategy, to lose and to win graciously. When it's set outside in the natural world, it's also fantastic exercise, good for children's spirits and can reduce stress.

The physical development consists of two major components: physical fitness and motor skill development. Physical fitness includes …show more content…

Source: http://www.medicaldaily.com/kids-better-fine-and-gross-motor-skills-do-better-school-study-shows-401392

5) Advantages of physical activity

A play is ‘the highest form of research’ said Albert Einstein and is a natural way for our little ones to express themselves.

“Just as we commit to providing our kids with sufficient amounts of healthy food, knowing how good this is for them, it’s important to consider playing in the same way. Children need sufficient time and opportunities for play for their healthy development.”

But some parents think play time is not time well spent. According to Child Psychiatrist Dr. Kaylene Henderson – there are some misconceptions that play is frivolous and not a vehicle for learning.

“Lots of parents struggle to provide their children with enough opportunities for play,” Dr. Henderson says. “For some, this is a result of being time-poor and over-scheduled. For others, play simply doesn’t come …show more content…

Relaxation and fun: Perhaps above all, a play is relaxing, restorative and fun! It is truly one of the joys of childhood.

Source: http://honey.nine.com.au/2017/02/24/15/13/play-time-children-parenting-fun-learning-childcare#QiyOCQOBLTUd7Qke.99

6) Why physical activity is very important during early years

There's something that happens to a kid when they're 5, 6 and 7 years old. Where in earlier years they don't care if they move more poorly than their peers or look goofy doing something. But there's something around that age where they start to see how they're moving relative to their peers and then there's that divergence. Those kids that have better motor skills continue and often go into sports and other activities that require more complex movements. And those kids that start to move more poorly tend to gravitate toward more non-physical active types of free time.

So it is very important to encourage kids to do physical activity at an early

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