Quotes By Rene Descartes

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How do we know whether or not we are dreaming or just being affected by a particular experience? Or if we are dreaming all our experiences in this world… When we dream, we fantasize imagines and occurrences happening, often, with the same sense of reality as we have when we are awake. Rene Descartes; a French Philosopher discovered the theory of the dream argument, affirming that there are no reliable signs distinguishing the liability of being asleep and wide awake. Quoting from Descartes, he states: For all we know right now, we might be dreaming at this very moment. (Rockney 102)
When Descartes remembers the occasions that occur while he is dreaming, he falsely believes that he has a conscious mind, as in being awake. Reflecting on this, Descartes believes he cannot tell whether or not he is dreaming. In Descartes own words, he quotes:
I remind myself that on many occasions I have in sleep been deceived … I see so manifestly that there are no certain indications by which we may clearly distinguish wakefulness from sleep. (Rockney 102)
This statement claims Descartes belief that...

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