Qualitative And Quantitative Methods Essay

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Assessment number and title: Item 1: Essay
Student: Fale Ikenasio
Student number: 11489641
Subject code: HCS204
Subject coordinator: Ndungi Mungai
Word count: 1500 words

Discuss your understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods; use examples from research reports/studies to highlight how these different methods approach social issues.

In the welfare line of work, research is usually conducted to enable a decision or action being made. It is also seen as a fundamental tool for social change, as it’s a mean to bringing about change, establishing of intervention strategies as well as implementing new services. (Alston & Bowles. 2003. Pg: 5) Deciding upon the appropriate research method or approach to use, is an important factor that is resolved and determined within the early stages of a research. The selection process of the appropriate strategy to use heavily depends upon the nature of the research problem, or the issue being addressed and studied. There are a number of research approaches that can be applied within a research study, the two major approaches that are commonly adopted or used within many research projects is either a qualitative or quantitative approach. The two research strategies aren’t viewed as rigid or polar opposites, but more in a sense of how they represent ends on a continuum. (Bryman, 2012. Pg: 35) The obvious differences between these two methods are seen in means of the techniques, the structure and the overall process implemented within these individual approaches. It’s more in a sense of how these two methods examine and explore parallel or contrasting issues, specifically social issues, in which provides a more profound and complex distinction between the two approaches....

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...ng, 23:4, 360-374, DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2011.611391

Duvall, N.S.; & Hall, M.E.L. (2003). Married Women in Missions: The effects of cross-cultural and self gender-role expectations on well-being, stress, and self-esteem. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 31(4), 303-314. Retrieved from: http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=08d5265b-89a0-404f-a162-ae18b36d361d%40sessionmgr198&vid=4&hid=113 Accessed on: 3/4/14

Family & Community Services. (2012). Women in NSW 2012: Education and Learning. Retrieved from: http://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/257202/Women_NSW_Tagged.pdf Accessed on: 3/04/14

Jones, B.T. (2013). The Social Ecology of Homelessness: Exploring the Dynamics of Engagement among Homeless Street Adults, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment,
23:1, 53-74, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2012.739532

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