Qualitative Critique

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Critique of a Qualitative Research Article This paper is a review of a qualitative research article written by Tobiano, Chaboyer, & McMurray (2012) entitled “Family Members’ Perceptions of the Nursing Bedside Handover.” Eleven critiquing criteria are used to analyze the research study. The goal of qualitative research is to discover the nature of a particular situation. The qualitative article being reviewed seeks to understand the perception of family members on nursing bedside shift report. Qualitative research relies on subjective data to provide a deep understanding of the meaning of an event from the point of view of certain individuals (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014). In contrast, quantitative research uses an objective approach (Lobiondo-Wood A small sample is used which is a characteristic of a qualitative study. Because the aim of the research is to gain insight into the perspectives of family members on bedside handover, the selection of participants is appropriate as according to Tobiano et al (2012), they were visiting family members who had relatives admitted to the rehabilitation unit, and were willing to be observed while engage in the nursing handover activity (Tobiano et al., 2012). The use of convenience sampling may be the easiest process in recruiting participants, however the voluntary participation associated with convenience sampling may lead to a biased outcome because of the possibility of recruiting volunteers with predisposition about the topic (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014). The researchers state that prior exposure to bedside handover is not necessary for a participant to meet eligibility for the study. Previous experience may have an impact on the family members’ views on the Families were observed during bedside handover. The researchers provide rationale for the use of structured interviews to elicit detailed responses, and the use of field notes to account for non-verbal responses and interactions during bedside handover. Observations were carried out prior to conducting interviews. Field notes were used to support observations. Interviews were held in different areas of the rehabilitation ward to adjust to the needs of the staff, participants, and the ward. Protection of human participants is addressed under the ethical issues section of the article. The researchers state that ethics approval was obtained from the University and the Human Research Ethics Committees of the Hospital and all participants were given information about the study and signed informed consents were obtained. The researchers explain that the study ended up with a sample eight family members when no new themes were evolving from the data analysis. This is an implication that data saturation was

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