Data Collection Research

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Introduction Data collection is a process by which you receive useful information. It is an important aspect of any type of research, as inaccurate data can alter the results of a study and lead to false hypothesis and interpretations. The approach the researcher utilizes to collect data depends on the nature of the study, the study design, and the availability of time, money and personnel. In addition, it is important for the researcher to determine whether the study is intended to produce qualitative or quantitative information. Creswell (2009), states that there are three types of designs, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. Smith and Davis (2010) states that qualitative research is a field of enquiry that is conducted in a natural setting by a researcher, who may be involved in, or may be part of the data collection process; as it utilizes the views of informants as the basis for the report. Qualitative research attempts to gain and in-depth, holistic picture of the phenomenon one wishes to study by interacting closely with the people being studied; the data collected are usually in the form of words or pictures. On the other hand, quantitative research allows you to test hypothesis derived from theories, associated with the issues being investigated. It is less flexible, as there are standardized procedures and techniques for collecting, organizing and analyzing the data (Kuada, 2012). Another option available to a researcher is mixed methods which focuses on collecting, analyzing, and mixing both qualitative and quantitative data in a single study; also, it is based on the premise that the use of quantitative and qualitative combination provides a better understanding of the research problem than either approach alo... ... middle of paper ... ...s over an extended period of time (Smith and Davis, 2010); (4) phenomenological research, involves understanding the lived experiences by studying a small number of subjects through extensive and prolonged engagement to develop pattern and relationships of meaning; (5) narrative research, in which the researcher studies the lives of individuals through stories about their lives (Creswell, 2009); and (6) participatory action research, in which the goal of the researcher is to evaluate and understand the impact of some social program on the community (Smith and Davis, 2010). It is important that researchers are knowledgeable of the qualitative research methodologies in order to select the most appropriate to investigate their problem of interest, and thereby selecting the most appropriate data collection methods that will aptly produce the richest data for analysis.

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