Psychodynamic Perspective Essay

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Originating through the work of Sigmund Freud, the psychodynamic perspective view is underlined as an unconscious psychological process that deals with childhood experiences that were interpret as a crucial setting in shaping out the adult personality. Moreover, the psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that view human function on emphasizes of the interaction of drives and forces in a person that’s particularly unconscious, and between different structures of the personality. In addition, the field of Psychodynamic under lies core assumptions of psychodynamic theories that are classified as simple and unique towards the framework of the psychodynamic field that no other theories of personality can approve these three …show more content…

While, the second assumption categorized as the Critical Importance of Early Experiences exhibits the importance on how early childhood events plays a role in shaping out the personality, however the theory is unique in the form where it emphasizes these events as the determinates of personality development and dynamics. Meanwhile, the third core of assumption of the psychodynamic theory is that nothing in mental health happens by a chance that there’s no existence in a random thought, feeling, motive, or behavior. This topic became the principle of psychic causality, and even though a few psychologists approve the principle of psychic causality, while psychoanalysts conceive it, most theorists and researchers agree that thoughts, motives, emotional responses, and expressed behaviors don’t arise gradually, but stem from a combination of identifiable biological and psychological processes. In conclusion, it is evidential that one’s childhood reflects the shaping of an adult’s personality based upon the study of the psychodynamic

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