Compare And Contrast The Behavioural Approach And The Psychodynamic Approach

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Psychodynamic and Behavioural Approaches The following essay is an attempt to critically compare and contrast these two approaches from various aspects, and deduce which one is more encompassing. Psychodynamic and behavioural approaches are the two major approaches to personality, however, they view personality from different perspectives. Psychodynamic approach makes the argument that personality is caused by forces in the unconscious that are not learned. The individual has little control over their behaviour as it is predetermined, and early childhood plays a crucial part in shaping a person’s personality. Behavioural approach, on the other hand, recognises personality as learned and focuses only on present behavioural matters. Because of …show more content…

By its nature, psychodynamic approach recognises that experiences in childhood have an influence throughout our lives without the person being aware of it. It provides an important framework for judging one 's personality and behaviour. For example, the reason for a person committing a murder may be the fact that his violent father has always physically-punished him since childhood. Though, behavioural approach argues most of the human behaviour is mechanical, and one 's personality is simply the product of stimuli and responses. Therefore, the psychodynamic approach acknowledges everyone can suffer mental illnesses and conflicts without their …show more content…

According to Social Learning Theory, Bandura (1989) suggested cognitive factors cannot be overlooked if learning is needed to be understood. Bandura has also noted that while reward and punishment substantially shape one 's personality, cognition has as much impact as they do. Also, the principles of behavioural approach have mainly been tested on animals. It implies some findings may not be applicable to a human being, which as a creature is much more complex than an animal. On the other hand, one of the strengths of the behavioural approach over the psychodynamic approach, is in the terms of testability, since it only focuses on behaviour that can be tested and observed, which makes it very useful in experiments under a laboratory setting where behaviour can be repeatedly observed and verified. Therefore, the results derived from behavioural approach have been, and continue to be, objectively and reliably

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