Pros And Cons Of Participation Trophies

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No More Participation Trophies Think back to doing little kid sports. Everything was great. It didn’t matter if you showed up to practice, and the score never mattered. At the end of the season your coaches would hand out participation trophies. What. A. Joy. A trophy that everyone gets no matter what they did. Win or lose, everyone gets one. When children get those lovely shiny pieces of plastic, think about how many people actually did earn those trophies. Not many, because participation trophies are not earned, they are given ( Many people say that participation trophies make things fair. Really? Someone could not come for one of those practices and still get the same award as someone who worked really hard. Is that really fair? Besides, what kind of messages are these trophies sending? Are they setting kids up for a fallout future because they don’t know how to work for things? Winning feels amazing and losing hurts. But to have the …show more content…

Say there’s a really good player and a really bad player. Giving both the same award is almost like saying to the really good player, that their abilities don’t matter. Even though you’re really great at playing this sport, we’re just going to give you and this not-as-good-player the same award. Think about it like a test. If I got an A on a test and someone else got a C, we can tell that I did better than the other person. Therefore I deserve the better grade. But if we treated this situation like they do with participation trophies, it would end a lot differently. Now because the other person at least tried and participated during the test, we’re going to give them the same grade as me because they tried. Now if you were me in this situation, how would you feel? It would seem like how hard you studied for that test didn’t matter whatsoever. Do we really want to take situations like this into children’s sports? If you are really the best, than be the

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