Essay On Children Should Not Be Allowed In Sports

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Have you ever gotten a participation trophy? Think back to all of those ribbons and awards lining your shelves when you were a child. You would go to t-ball and at the end of the season, you would be handed an award for just showing up. Back then it seemed like the best thing in the world, but now, it sounds ridiculous. The society we live in makes it normal to give out awards that have not been earned. Why should we give awards to people that haven’t earned them? People will say that we do give out unearned awards to encourage children and make sure they don’t feel left out or feel like they aren’t good enough. In reality, studies have shown that awarding children for only participation has a negative impact. Kids know when they have earned …show more content…

Many people that have gotten participation trophies feel cheated when they aren’t recognized for their accomplishments. This mindset, that you will be rewarded for all accomplishments, is a stark difference from the real world. When you get a job, you will not be rewarded just for showing up. Because we continue to keep this from our children, we are robbing them from learning about what the real world is like. In the op-ed “Losing is Good for You”, the author talks about how participation trophies can lead to narcissism and entitlement later in life. Children begin looking forward to getting a trophy at the end of a season, no matter what. This belief has kept with the children into adulthood. Now, many people feel as if they should automatically get a promotion, even if they have done nothing to earn it. Rich Lowry, the author of the op-ed “No Trophy for You”, states that giving effort and participating should be reward enough. He goes on to tell about his Little League experience, without trophies, and how it taught him a valuable lesson: sometimes your best is not enough. Lowry saw a post from James Harrison, a NFL quarterback, that

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