Why We Should Participation Trophies Not Be Allowed In Sports

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The Problems of the Participation Trophy Participation trophies are a cause of unacceptable attitude in children. Typically in youth sports, at the end of a game or a season, children will be given an award, usually a trophy, as an award for trying their best and showing up to practice and or games. Everyone on their team will receive this award. Although these trophies may seem insignificant, they have sparked a large debate in the youth sports world. Despite what others think, participation trophies should not be given to kids in sports because it leads to narcissism and unhealthy self-esteem, undermines actual success, and makes losing even tougher for kids to deal with. Some people think that giving children a participation trophy after a sports game or season is a helpful thing to do. People may think this because it can teach kids the importance of showing up to practice and games and trying your best, which are important skills later in life. (Heffernan 1) Kids will also be happy that their hard work is being acknowledged and rewarded, in the form of a trophy. (Heffernan 1) However, this …show more content…

(Fader 1) When a child is told that trying their best is enough, it makes it much harder for them to deal with losing a game. They will think that because they tried their best they should have won. Instead of noticing plays that their team did wrong, the child will mostly become angry at the other team. Thinking they “should’ve won” because they tried their hardest. This can make the future of a kid a lot more difficult. This is because if they don’t get into the college they want or they don’t obtain a job they want, they may throw a fit. If they can’t keep their anger in check over losing, it can be detrimental to relationships with other people and their own image. This is not the only other reason why trophies should not be given out to children

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