Pros And Cons Of Drones

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There are pros and cons of using drones around the world. One pro of having drones and surveillance the crime rate should have a significant drop. "The reason why crime would go down would be because people who commit crimes are more likely to get caught. Depending what type of drone it is you could attack a speaker or microphone and speak through it."

Another pro to drones they can see things that people can't see. As in like people flagging for help or people in danger. The average drone can up to an average of 10-15 miles and if you attach a ultra lens to it you could see even further.

The another pro is that they will soon democratize internet access. "More than half the global population lacks Internet access, but with its purchase of Titan Aerospace in April, Google could bring millions more online. According to an early report, "once the tech is dialed in, Titan’s 164-foot-wide solar-powered craft will soar at 65,000 feet, bringing new parts of the world online." With the use of drones helping boost Wireless Fiber optics (WiFi) capability it bring better education to countries that lack in it."

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Recently the military have come to a conclusion that it is worse to lose a human than it is a drone. The fact that drones can be replaced a life can't in another reason why drones should replace humans in military combat. The down side of using drones instead of humans is the mechanics that goes into the robot and the body part. Drones can never completely replace humans would cause ciaos. Another thing is that "The "robots" currently in use in the military are unmanned vehicles that are operated by remote. The General is talking about a Robot doing the task of a human soldier in a support role, replacing the human... I haven't seen anything that can come close to doing that." It would have been a good idea but the of the matter is that the U.S is still in debt so they

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