Promotion at the YMCA

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Question #1

Being a new manager requires a lot of new decision making. You need to be ready to make break threw changes that you think will be beneficial to your work place.

In a situation like Harriet Bowen, many decisions and actions will need to take place to make the YWCA an appealing place.

"I'm looking for a job with a challenge" Bowen said, well she has come to the right place. Bowen will need to win over the employees, so they can work together as a team. Make work as comforting and social as possible get to know your workers, even as job director she should get to know the employees from a social stand point. The employees will be able to offer her ideas what will work. Most of the employees probably live in the area and know what it will take to interest people in coming to the club. Sit down and think of an idea to help people to join give a free day or passes for employees to hand out to friends and family. Have an open house and let guest see how the club works and the benefits it offers. These could all be ways to help boost members and make a better profit.

Next sit down and review the existing programs that the YWCA has in effect. See what programs are actually being used. Some of these programs may be out of date and be in need of a makeover, or possibly even need to be shut down. Drastic decisions need to be made in order to make room for improvement. This will allow funding for more up to date activities that may attract more people to better the Y.

Finding good help is hard these days, which is why Bowen will need to have Pierce help her out to get her on her feet. This job can not do a complete turnaround over night. Lots and lots of time and effort will need to be planned out accordingly. Ideas for ways the association can run can be researched by looking at other surrounding areas with the same types of communities. See what they are doing that is working or not working. Referring to another business that is of your same nature can save you a lot of future headaches.

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