Ymca Week Research Paper

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Assignment 2
Portales, New Mexico YMCA kids summer week Camp
Hey Kids, are you ready for a week full of fun? The YMCA’s summer week program will kick your boredom to the curb and get your out of the house for some summer fun.
Monday is full of arts and crafts, you will get to make and decorate your own mug, make snow globes, and many other activities your group leader has planned.
Tuesday is science day a former NASA guest will show you what it’s like to be an astronaut, perform live experiments, and you get to do your own hands on experiment.
Wednesday is sports day, you can learn how to play professional basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics with our trained coaches.
Thursday is swim day for beginners and advance, you will get to play in our heated …show more content…

Are you needing a week to yourself? This is a great place to keep your children while you get to have some time alone. Staff leaders and volunteers are workers that have a part of the YMCA’s program annually. The week program has a small cost of $150.00 for the week. This includes morning and afternoon choices of heathy snacks, lunch will need to be provided.
Monday is arts and crafts day kids will be able to show their creativity though creations the group leaders have prepared for them.
Tuesday all about science, kids will have a guest from NASA a former worker showing what being an astronaut is all about, while preforming live experiments, and hands on with the kids as well.
Wednesday is when the kids get to be active and sweat off their summer slumber, including volleyball, basketball, and gymnastics all ran by the YMCA’s coaches.
Thursday swim day, please bring a swim suit and swim towel for the day. Our Indoor pool has the trained staff prepared to take on kids that are either beginners or advanced with fun

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