Project Tamarin

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While on this earth, we humans have made a tremendous impact on our environment, both good and bad. Unfortunately, humans have had more of a negative impact than positive, especially concerning the state of our world’s forests. We have been on a tree cutting rampage in order to create more space for the growing human population. While this may sound perfectly fine for many people, doing this robs the animals of our planet their home and their food which is why many species of animals and plants are becoming extinct. One fine example of a critically endangered animal is the Cotton-top Tamarin who is very close to becoming extinct due to the declining forest areas in South America, where the tamarin lives. Fortunately, there have been many projects that have been created in order to protect this majestic primate. One well-known conservation project is Proyecto Tití, or Project Tamarin in English, which is centered primarily in Colombia. This project, while not as popular as many others, has helped to protect the Cotton-top Tamarins, which are one of the most endangered primates in the world, by an immense amount and they continue to aid the tamarins and the local villagers of Colombia every single year.
Explanation of Project Tamarin
Project Tamarin is a unique conservation project which combines field research with educational and community programs, placed in Colombia. This mesh of smaller projects helps to make possible the conservation of the Cotton-top Tamarins along with the natural resources of Colombia in accordance to the economy of local Colombian communities. Project Tamarin focuses on the Cotton-top Tamarin, which is one of the most endangered primates in the world. This was first decreed in 1973, when the United State...

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... Cited
"About Proyecto Tití." Proyecto Tití: Conserving Colombia's Wildlife. Proyecto Tití: Conserving Colombia's Wildlife, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. .
"Cotton Topped Tamarin." Wildlife Protection Foundation. South Lakes Wild Animal Park, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. .
"Cotton-top Tamarin Fun Facts." Proyecto Tití: Conserving Colombia's Wildlife. Proyecto Tití, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. .
"Oakland Zoo." Oakland Zoo. Oakland Zoo, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. .
Wang, Joyce. "Cotton-Top Tamarin." Wildlife Conservation Network. Wildlife Conservation Network, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. .

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