Great Apes Essay

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Great Apes are at the brink of extinction due to deforestation, hunting, and bushmeat trade. Our closest cousins are now viewed as economic commodities rather than valuable agents to the environment and humanity. In order to explore this issue, there must be an examinitation of why primate populations are dwindling, if these populations can replenish themselves, and what measures the international community is taking to alleviate the problem. Bushmeat is a popular source of animal protein in West and Central Africa. With population rates on the rise, demand for bushmeat is projected to double in two decades. A study found that over 50 percent of the meat sold in markets was wild game with sales estimated at $50 million. Primate …show more content…

Biodiversity expert Robert Hepworth states, “By saving the great apes we will also be saving a whole raft of animal and plant species which exist in their remaining habitat.” The council of GRASP plans on using modern technology to track poachers and develop green tourism in protected areas. Television and print media have also taken on the story in Europe and Africa, which spawned a public desire for corrective action. Propositions for regulations on bushmeat trade have included gun control and implementing consequences for timber companies that do not meet bushmeat procedure …show more content…

Genetically, we are nearly identical. They are valuable to the environment and, as a result, to humans by maintaining forest species, which creates revenue, food, and medicine to local communities. Great Apes are not given a fair chance to sustain themselves with low reproduction rates during a rise in commercial hunting. That alone is too much without taking into consideration other forms of habitat disturbance occurring simultaneously. Campaign groups must remain persistent in their efforts to protect primates and educate not only the people intimately affected by the issue, but the global community as a whole. By placing awareness on a bigger platform, more people will become informed and want to take action to help save our great apes and, in turn, our

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