Process Essay - How an Aerosol Can Works

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How an Aerosol Can Works

At one time or another, most of us have probably used an aerosol can. With just a push of the button, we easily and quickly apply just the right amount of furniture polish, bathtub cleanser, or underarm deodorant. It is obvious to us that the aerosol can is more convenient than the old-fashioned jars of liquid polish or cans of powdered cleanser, which can spill or be applied too thickly. At the same time, however, most of us probably do not know how the aerosol can works. We accept its ease and convenience without realizing that the aerosol can is quite a complex container.

An aerosol is not a simple cleaner or polish; it is a colloidal system. That means it consists of finely divided liquid or solid particles, called a product, dispersed in and surrounded by a gas. The most commonly used gases, or propellants, are chlorinated hydrocarbons, butane, propane, isobutane, vinyl chloride, and nitrogen. Nitrogen is used particularly for products when the taste or smell of the propellant is not desired in the product, for ex...

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