Predicting with the Stars

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Predicting with the Stars

Suppose that every time a person looked up at the stars, he or she could predict the outcome of his or her daily life, such as marriage, death, or even future career paths. From the early days of the Babylonians to present day, astrology has played a key role in the lives of many individuals, but how does one know that it is reliable? Often confused with astronomy, the study of celestial bodies in the universe, astrology is used as a way to predict one’s future based off of the positioning of the solar system. In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, three witches are responsible for predicting the future outcome of the character Macbeth. With roots in southern Babylonia, astrology is the study of the influences the positions of the stars and the planets have on human behavior and future outcomes.

Originating over six thousand years ago, astrology is a science that requires the analysis of the positions of celestial bodies in space. The Chaldeans, a tribe from southern Babylonia, used he stars as guidance and the phases of the moon to create months, which typically lasted about twenty-nine to thirty days (Bakich). In analyzing the phases of the moon, constellations were then created, and through the discovery of constellations came the zodiac, or “circle of animals” (Bakich). The zodiac was then split into twelve subdivisions known as signs, and “each sign represents a space in the zodiac ruled by one of the twelve constellations” (Bakich). These zodiacs are believed to show the characteristics of the people within the zodiac (Bakich). Not only did astrology play a major role for the Chaldeans, but astrology existed in Elizabethan times as well.

Once astrology was established in Babylonian times, it played...

... middle of paper ... king. Astrology expands into multiple branches as it’s explored further into each planet and each zodiac, and it becomes a very widespread topic.

Astrology is the study of the positions of celestial bodies and their effects on human behavior. It is said that each zodiac creates the characteristics of each individual and is able to predict future outcomes. In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, three witches were able to predict Macbeth’s future as king. These witches also showed Macbeth three apparitions meant to give him a sense of false confidence, but actually occurred in three unexpected ways. Six thousand years ago, astrology was discovered simply as a means to know when was the appropriate time to crop or to sow. Little did the Caldean’s know that what they discovered would lead to so much more insight on the stars and the planets and their effects on human lives.

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