Precaution Adoption Process Model

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Minority ethnic communities are more vulnerable to public health disasters because of economic disadvantages, cultural differences and limited resources.The article being reviewed is titled, “Using the Precaution Adoption Process Model to Describe a Disaster Preparedness Intervention Among Low-income Latinos” (2014). The target population of the study is low-income Latino communities in Los Angeles County where 187 participants that were chosen by respondent- driven sampling. The participants were recruited by a sample of seven people called “seeds,” who were at least 18 years old and had emigrated from South or Central America and lived in Los Angeles to represent the types of people to be recruited in the study. These seeds came from a diverse set of countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. In addition, the purpose of the study was to create an intervention that explains disaster preparedness within low-income Latino communities. They wanted to provide health education and training to encourage household members to learn about disasters and disaster …show more content…

In addition, the strength of using the Precaution Adoption Process Model is being able to place individuals in specific stages to help them make a decision and move forward to the next stage. The constructs of this model also led to increased preparedness among household that had limited resources. In contrast, a weakness of using the Precaution Adoption Process Model is that the adoption of more complex disaster family communication requires interpersonal education. For instance, using collective efficacy or goal-formation from the Social Cognitive Theory. Implementing these constructs would help families or communities have the confidence, and the ability to set a goal to have a communication plan or disaster

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