Difference Between Emergency Planning And Man-Made Disaster

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Both man-made and natural disasters are often devastating, resource draining and disruptive. Having a basic plan ready for these types of disaster events is key to the success of executing and implementing, as well as assessing the aftermath. There are many different ways to create an emergency operations plan (EOP) to encompass a natural and/or man-made disaster, including following the six stage planning process, collection of information, and identification of threats and hazards. The most important aspect of the US emergency management system in preparing for, mitigating, and responding to man-made and natural disasters is the creation, implementation and assessment of a community’s EOP. There are six flexible steps to follow: form a …show more content…

There should always be a basic EOP incorporated into either type. When dealing with a natural disaster, a community may have warning when a man-made disaster can come without warning. When we have identified warnings to a potential man-made disaster, the EOP should be modified to respond to the specific disaster. Having prior knowledge can help mitigate damaging outcomes of the disastrous event. Having a basic EOP is going to be the primary EOP used when responding to a man-made disaster due to the fact there will be little-to-no warning and response must be implemented while determining the threats and hazards to the disaster (PublicResourceOrg, …show more content…

Once this concept is understood, preparation and mitigation within the plan can be molded to fit the disaster event presented to a community. Identification of threats and hazards to mold preparation and mitigation is key when responding to the event. Every event will reveal new types of hazards and threats, thus it is up to the emergency manager and the planning team to assess and revise the EOP each and every time this occurs. Lessons learned per event will only make the community stronger in response to natural and/or man-made disasters moving

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