Category 5 Hurricane Research Paper

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A catagory five hurricane is coming your way…. What do you do? There are quite a few

things you can do to be prepared and safe.

First off, a category five hurricane is a monumental storm and can be fatal. It can tear

roofs off houses, rip trees from the ground, and can have winds up to a hundred and

seventy miles per hour. With an anticipated storm of that magnitude, evacuation is the

surest way to stay safe. But if you are planning to stay here is how to prepare for a

category five hurricane. According to Accu Weather here are six fundamentals to follow:

1] Evacuation Planning
2] Buy Supplies
3] Check Insurance Coverage
4] Make copies of important documents
5] Protect your home
6] Back up yopur eletronics

Secondly, one …show more content…

You have to know if the storm surge will rise and threaten your

Home and possibly your life. The National Weather Center lists 4 important things you

Can do to prepare;

Know your “zone” knowing if you live in an evacuation zone is extremely important
Put together an Emergency kit which are, flashlights, generators and storm shutters Write or reviewyour family emergency plan; Where you will meet if you are are separated during the storm
Review your insurance policies; Go over your documents to ensure you have the proper coverage.

Thirdly, hurricane force winds vary in speed and the damage can be minimal to

catastrophic! There is simply no way to tell, so preparing your self for the the worst is in

your best interest.

According to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale the catorgories are as follows;

Cat 1- 74-95 MPH (very dangerous)
Cat 2- 96-110 MPH (extremely dangerous)
Cat 3- 111-129 (devastating)
Cat 4- 130-156 MPH (catastrophic)
Cat 5- 157 or higher (catastrophic)

Furthermore, to be better prepared for a catergory 5 hurricane according to CBS News and The National Hurricane Center you should have the following thigs.

Water: At least 1 gallon per person or animal per day for at least 3

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