Politics Of Ethnicity Case Study

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Politics of Ethnicity:-
Concerns are very important but the Realists perception as described earlier is very important, who believe that internal structure of the state and the government is also important in the development of ethnic politics. The domestic political environment of divided states characterizes the development of ethnic politics.
Development of Politics of Ethnicity:-
The presence of two or more than two groups with different attributes within the same political system is a necessary condition for the development of ethnic conflict. Ethnic disagreements are either among various groups or with state authority. The study has its focus on ethnic conflict with state. Brass’s contribution is very important in this regard because …show more content…

Among these theorists, John Migdal (1994) and Robert Jackson’s (1990) work is very important for this present study. According to Migdal, state and society has a close relationship. State cannot function separately so their relationship is very dynamic, both struggle to preserve authority. In this context Migdal (1994) argues that the struggle between state and ethnic groups which found within society not only generate conflict but sometimes create alliances. These alliances are useful for the state in transforming the nature of ethnic conflict in favour of the domination and hegemony of the state (pp. 9-12).The other important work presented by Jakson(1990) highlighted the role of third world states as far as the ethnic conflict is concerned. He presented third world states as quasi states (p.1). These states are formed after decolonization process. These states are granted independence by developed states who firstly, believe in the provision of collective goods for their citizens. Secondly, these states work with the collaboration of society in distributing benefits. Unfortunately these norms are not transferred to the post colonial states. Resultantly, independence became beneficial for a dominant group and most of the ethno-national groups continued to suffer (pp. 40-41). Under this …show more content…

According to the debate the developed states have strong state institutions and democratic norms, which help them to solve the problems of pluralism. USA, UK, Canada and Switzerland have various ethnic
Politics of Ethnicity:-
Groups but they developed a strong constitutional mechanism to solve the problem. The post colonial states lack these values. Power gain and despotic rule is their basic aim that is why these states are unable to solve the ethnic problems peacefully. In most of the cases like Sikhs in India, Tamils in Sri Lanka, Moros in Philippine and Baloch in Pakistan have strong conflict with the state.
Assimilation Policies for Integration:-
National unity and ideology are the major political concerns in post colonial societies, that is why they used to apply assimilation strategy. This strategy is applied by the dominant groups. These groups might not hesitate to use state force in their own favour. So the state’s policies favour the powerful and dominant group. Pakistan is also one of the examples of plural societies. Here the state used to adopt assimilation policies to create national unity. Resultantly, the state has lost its Eastern Part. Still, various ethnic groups off and on show their resentment and different ethno nationalist movements are in the struggle to preserve identity. Following table is also helpful to show how the state of Pakistan

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