Plant Taxonomy Essay

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Plant taxonomy has different kinds of history in world of plant and it plays an important role in biology and human society. Men from time immemorial have been dependent on the plants for their demands. This human nature for plants exhorts him to identification and classification of plants into different groups, for example food plants, medicinal plants and ornamental plants. This extends to the commencement of taxonomy.1 The taxonomy is made of two words Taxis (arrangement) and nomous (rule). The term was given by AP de Candole (1778-1841). It’s a branch of science which are used to gather knowledge of different types of plants and their systemically grouping In another way it is a study of a Phylogenetic system of many types of classifications …show more content…

Species are grouped into genera. A genus is a group of species thought to have a fairly recent common ancestor. Genera are grouped into families. Some of are very natural, while others are more mixed. Families are grouped into orders. Orders are grouped into classes. Classes are grouped into divisions or phyla. The highest level of classifications is that of the kingdom.3 There are many objectives of plant taxonomy in which the collection of plants, their studies in the herbarium (scientific names, identification and characteristics of plants) is the first objective of plant taxonomy, and the second objective is to give a method of diagnosis of plants, by the help of available fundamental data and pictorial matter etc and the last objective of plant taxonomy is to preparation of phylogenetic system of …show more content…

Early system of classification was mostly Artificials.6 It is based on less variable character and they do not reflect the relation present among the plants.7 Theophrastus (370-285 B.C.) is the father of botany. He sorted all plants on the basis of form and texture. He acknowledged trees, shrubs, undershrubs and herbs, and compare between annual, biennial and perennial plants. Dioscorides(60 A.D.) was a physician. His book De Materia Medica enclosed information on roots, stems, leaves and flowers of medicinal plants. Albertus Magnus (1193-1280 A.D.) acknowledged differences in stems of dicots and monocots and also compare between leafy and non-leafy

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