Bean Trees Essay

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Barbara Kingsolver’s Bean Trees is a fantastic novel in the way that it involves plenty of developing stories like microcosms which reflect the world we live in. Therefore, this book is filled with plenty of relatable characters and events or access points that allow the reader to connect to the book directly. For me, The Bean Trees has allowed me to delve into the action of moving from home, and has demonstrated its effects on self. When I was 7 years, I moved from my home in Australia to the other side of the planet to Dallas Texas. When I heard that I was moving, I felt a wave of despair wipe over me. As Taylor says “I have never in my own memory been outside of Kentucky” (Kingsolver 12). This was the same for me since I had never been …show more content…

I connected with Taylor as she moved out into the unknown and filled the void left in her with he people she met along the way and also with Estevan’s levels of home. However, through reading this book, I arrived to a conclusion. At the end of the book, Taylor, who still shows connection to Kentucky, says that she is headed home, but she means Tucson. Before this point in the book, she never refers to Tucson being home in a sense outside of a house. This combined with how Estevan’s descriptions of levels of home allowed me see into myself and further understand who I am. Just like Taylor, I may be away from where I am from, but I am able to change home. I was able to expand my definition of home; it doesn’t mean that I have to given up Australia because of where I live now and just because I don’t sound the same doesn’t mean I have lost anything. Just like Taylor, Esperanza, and Estevan change their names when they left their homes, I changed on the outside. But Kingsolver’s Bean Trees has allowed me to understand what I have on the inside and how do I create my identity as a human being. I have always identified and known that I am half French and half Singaporean, but through the book I have realized that the levels of Home in me can never be erased but only added to therefore, Australian is part of me

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