
825 Words2 Pages

It is easy to say that species are constantly changing, and branching off into totally new species. But how do we know where the species originate? Phylogenies help to show us how all kinds of species are related to each other, and why. These relationships are put into what can be called a cladogram, which links species to common ancestors, in turn showing where, when, how, and why these ancestors diverged to form new species. Without phylogenies, it would be extremely difficult to put species in specific categories or relate them to one another. Along with phylogenies can come conflict on which species should be related to one another. This conflict causes many hypotheses and experiments, which can lead to phylogenetic retrofitting, which means adding some kind of data to a phylogeny that was not originally included. In M. S. Y. Lee’s article “Turtle origins: insights from phylogenetic retrofitting and molecular scaffolds”, the origin of the turtle (Testudines) is very controversial, and has been the source of experimenting to try to prove whether it should be placed under anapsid-grade parareptiles, according to Bayesian analyses, or diapsids as sisters to living archosaurs. The use of experiments including molecular scaffolding, which is an experiment involving using the scaffold protein of the backbone to place the turtles in a certain taxa, is used to show where turtles should actually be placed. I find it very interesting that scientists continue to go back and forth between new and old phylogenies, constantly rearranging and questioning the placement. Phylogenies are not just important for showcasing where species originated from, but also to illustrate how DNA sequences evolve as well. For example, in class, we t...

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...gly supported and implicated by this experiment. While Bayesian inference puts turtles in a wide range, parsimony puts turtles more specifically near pareiasauromorphs. Also, in molecular scaffolding, a turtle-archosaur clade in the diapsid matrices is very evident, but highly unstable for Eunotosaurus. Eunotosaurus, though, remains with parareptiles in a majority of the scaffolding. This states that turtles could very well be considered parareptiles, while being sister groups to archosaurs. Further evidence should be done on other close relatives to these taxa, including the research of synamorphies to help support the evidence. The more experiments that are applied to studying the different ancestors and possible sisters of turtles, and even Eunotosaurus, could be what it takes to properly place turtles in the specific phylogeny and taxa that they belong to.

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