Philippe Petit's Famous High Wire Walk Between The Twin Towers

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The Film discusses Philippe Petit’s famous high wire walk between the top of the twin towers. At the age of 18, many years before the towers existed and were just a mere idea he decided that he had a dream and he worked hard in order to pursue it. During this journey he met a lot of people that would help him along the way. This also includes a woman who he fell in love with but she had to give up everything for him. He experimented many times with 200 feet of wire which was the space between the towers and across a bridge in Australia. As soon as the towers were finished being built he began his plan with help. During this plan some people backed out and many more became skeptical that this feat would actually be made successfully. Petit never gave up he …show more content…

I am inspired by his ambition to rebel and be different from everybody else. But I do think that him pursuing his dream even following it throughout and not really thinking about the consequences. He was so fixated on his dream he did not care about anyone else that was helping him. His whole life was focused on this dream that I wondered what he would focus on after he achieved his lifelong dream. He was very focused but it seemed like what was the point of doing it? Overall, although I do not agree with the way in which he went about on his fixation of high wiring walking across the twin towers I love the fact that he never gave up even when a lot of others did he never thought he wouldn't be able to achieve his dream. I think a lot of people do not have the same ambition nowadays. Many are quick to give up when times get tough during the journey but they forgot about the goal which was for Philippe Petit to walk between the towers. What is so inspiring about Petit’s story was the fact that he never forgot about the destination and what was to be achieved. Even during the interview Petit was still excited even talking about the

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