Phase Autobiography Examples

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Phase Autobiography I was at my beach house that has a community bay that opens up into the ocean. We decided to rent a minuscule sail boat. My brother and I were both bored, which made us come up with this interesting idea. My brother, Drew, is adventurous and intelligent. But, I was skeptical and cautious. The mood was exciting and the tone was surprising. All of this led to us having an exciting sail around our bay.

Drew and I were bored one day; my brother decided that he would rent a sailboat because he had taken lessons around 3 years earlier. There was a rental area around the general area so we acquired the boat and carried it down to the water’s edge. I was skeptical if we could really sail, seeing that Drew had learned the lessons quite some time ago. My brother, being quite intelligent, knew how to do everything immediately, …show more content…

There would be friction between your hands and the rope when trying to pool or if you lost grip of it. This resulted in your hands becoming blood red and burning. I began to appreciate sailing with its moods of being calm and suddenly becoming rough. Sometimes the wind would pick up and the boat would be going remarkably fast that the sail would be getting pushed into a 40 degree angle with the water. This means we were basically trying to stay on the boat because it would be dangerously close to flipping if a larger wave were to come. We traveled all the way to the other side of the bay in which we then docked the boat on the beach. We found a beach ball on the beach, therefore we took a brief intermission to throw the beach ball around. We then pushed the boat off the beach and hopped on. There was water constantly brushing my face making it difficult to see. There was a “thumping” noise when the wind would pick up, from the waves hitting the front of the boat and the boat falling back down to the water again. After these events, I knew I wanted to do this more

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