Personal Narrative Essay: The Force And Power Of Love

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As a child, I spent a great deal of time at the beach, imitating the seagulls as they darted back and forth along the sand, trying to dodge the incoming water. With each passing summer, I spent less time imitating the birds and more time enticed by the force and power of the ocean. I was hypnotized by the waves as they broke along the shore, settled in a foamy-form, and rolled back out to sea. It was not long before I found pleasure in running into the water and allowing the waves to crash over me, pummeling me to the floor. Often times, I would come up gasping for air, causing my mother to have minor heart attacks while she observed from the shore. Adrenaline filled me each time I was knocked over. There was something invigorating about not …show more content…

Breaking back through the surface, a person may find that, while the love they felt was real, it was far too consuming to work long term. While love can feel fantastical and surreal, in order for the relationship to endure, it must carry through into reality, as well. Often times, those in love seem like they are living in their own world, entirely out of touch with reality. It is during the low tide, or the low times, when love is tested. Love is capable of making people feel a vast range of other emotions when a relationship evolves or …show more content…

Eben Harrell, a writer for Time Magazine, explains in the article entitled “Are Romantic Movies Bad For You?” that many couples being treated in therapy have problems as a result of the “misconceptions about love and romance depicted in Hollywood films” (Harrell 1). “Phillip Hodson, a fellow at the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy, says that while romantic comedies can cause problems for couples once they exit the euphoric first few years of a relationship, they also provide a much needed source of hope and inspiration for the unattached” (Harrell 1). While I do agree that romantic films can provide people with encouragement that there is somewhere in the world for them, I believe Hollywood’s portrayal of love is only acceptable to an extent. People must be careful not to project circumstances or expectations shown in films on their loved

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