Pglo Transformation

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Introduction: When a change is created through the insertion of a gene into an organism to change the organism’s trait and/or expression it is known as Gene Transformation. Bacteria will be transformed with a gene which codes for (GFP) Green Fluorescing Protein in this experiment. Bacteria containing the gene GFP will be combined with them to cause them to glow bright-green when exposed to ultraviolet light (Nobel, A. 2000) Plasmid DNA contained genes for one or more traits that may be beneficial to survival. In this lab, pGLO is resistant to ampicillin which is antibiotic. GFP, the gene, can be “switched” on in genetically transformed cells, by adding arabinose, a type of sugar, to the cells’ nutrient medium (Weedman, 2014) Cells that are successfully transformed will colonize, by growing on plates with LB/amp, and appear white on plates without arabinose when exposed to Ultraviolet Light. It stands to hypothetical reasoning, that If bacteria with +pGLO plasmids that are resistant to the antibiotic ampicillin and have the gene for GFP, colonies will survive and grow on the transformation plates that have LB/amp. In addition, +pGLO bacteria on a plate with LB/amp/ara will grow and glow green under ultraviolet light because of the inclusion of arabinose which switches on GFP. In the control plates, -pGLO …show more content…

+pGLO bacteria on the plate with LB/amp/ara grew and glowed green when the sample was exposed to the sample likely due to the inclusion of arabinose which activated and expressed the GFP gene. The –pGLO bacteria that was ampicillin sensitive failed to grow on the LB/amp plate because it had no resistance to ampicillin which then

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