Persuasive Speech On Having Braces

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Metal Mouth Intro Did you know that more than four million people in the world have braces? (Dental Braces: Facts and Benefits) Having braces is a long confusing process. I have had my braces for two years so far and at the rate that it’s going, my orthodontist said that I have to have them for two more years. So with the experience I have had, I will help you with your time with braces, and make it as easy as possible. There are lots of things you have to watch out for when you get braces. You have to be careful on what you eat, the wires, the way you smile, what you do when you cut your mouth and picking out your colors every month is also very important;). So overall there are just many things that you need to watch out for when …show more content…

With spacers, you have to get molds again. What spacers do is they make gaps in your back molars for the caps that go on your teeth for the braces. You usually have spacers for about two weeks. For me, spacers were probably the most painful part of braces. With spacers, you can’t eat sticky food and when I had them I couldn’t eat hard food too cause it hurt to chew. Spacers can also fall out, which is another thing that sucks. If a spacer falls out you have to go back into your orthodontist and they have but a new one between your …show more content…

When your orthodontist tells you about that list they say some weird things like pens/pencils and nail biting. But those things are on there because it has happened before to other people and could very well happen to you. You can’t chew on pens/pencils or your nails because they cause bad damage to your braces. Another thing on the list is ice. Ice is one of the easiest ways to damage your braces, so stay away from chewing it as much as possible. You aren’t supposed to eat hard food (raw carrots, pretzel, nuts, apples) because it can damage or rip off your wires and brackets. When you eat apples the trick is if you cut it up into smaller bites it is a lot easier on your braces. Tough meats (beef jerky, slim jims) are hard on your braces also because they can loosen your wires and brackets too, and get stuck in your brackets and are hard to get out. The main foods that you hear about are chewy (gum, starburst, gummy bears, tootsie rolls). You have to be extra careful with chewy foods because there are so many chewy foods that you think wouldn’t do much harm but actually, do. They can rip off the brackets and get stuck in the wires and rot your teeth (Dr. Donald Simi). The last and probably the biggest thing talked about is corn on the cob. Corn on the cob does fall under the hard food category but the simple thing you can do is get canned corn or cut the corn right from the

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