Why People Wear Braces

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If your child has a crooked smile, the orthodontist will strongly recommend braces. While it's an incredibly effective option to align the teeth again, many people don't like the look of braces. These people also include children. If you're a parent of a child who's reluctant to wear braces, try these three ways to help them feel more confident.

1. Exposure/Representation
For most people, representation is very important and has a huge impact on the way they view themselves. This is why movies like Blank Panther mean so much to the African American community. When people can look at the images in the media and see someone who looks like them, it does wonders for self-acceptance and self-esteem. Start to pay attention to celebrities who wear braces. Make sure to show images of these people on a regular basis. You can point the …show more content…

As a parent, your words can have a huge impact on your child. Your words can either make or break their experience. Since they're young and impressionable, your job is to be the cheerleader. Build up their self-esteem by reminding them of how special they are. Tell them that their braces look amazing and fun. Find positive ways to encourage them so that they can feel confident during the process. Highlight the fact that it's tons of fun to try different colors for rubber bands. Make the process seem really interesting. It can be really tempting for a child to look forward to the time when the braces come off. This process can take months or years. That's a long time to feel like your beauty is on hold. Instead, encourage your child to embrace the look of braces right now. When this happens, they'll be able to enjoy the journey more. Plus, once they have the confidence to rock their braces, that aura exudes and is magnetic. Before you know it, more kids will be asking their parents for braces because your child made it look

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