Persuasive Speech Against Fluoride

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Every day you are advised to consume at least two litres of liquid laced with a secret poison. We often say how lucky we are to live in a place where we have access to safe water at any time but what if that was questioned? What if our water isn’t safe; it’s just that now we can’t see the dangers? Throughout the world 25 first world countries fluoridate some amount of their water artificially; almost half of these countries have the majority of their population drinking this chemically enhanced liquid every single day. In the UK 11% of us only have access to fluoridated water [70% in Ireland], and in the USA its 60%. After a quick browse on Google, the information about fluoride that can be learned from the NHS is mainly about teeth and tooth decay as fluoride is put in our toothpaste due to its claimed abilities to help tooth enamel fight attack [nothing has ever alluded to supporting this claim]. What can’t be seen at …show more content…

Fluoride is the only substance added to water that doesn’t affect the water itself but the person consuming the water- fluoride is a medical treatment. The same NHS website that boasts the marvellous pros of the UK’s fluoridation scheme also explicitly explains ‘Consent is required from a patient regardless of the intervention – from a physical examination to organ donation’ on a page regarding the legalities of medical consent. It is required by law that all patients must be aware and accepting of the treatment that they receive therefore feeding us a medicine (if it can even be called that) that we as society in many cases, know very little about is highly illegal and dangerous for everyone involved. Today doctors who give patients treatment without their consent face legal procedures and punishments so the fact that this practice goes on everyday under our noses with no repercussion is astonishing and shouldn’t happen just because the perpetrator (the government) is more powerful than a

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