Childhood Cavities Research Paper

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If there’s one inalienable truth in the world, it’s that children love sweets. As a parent, you do your best to protect your children from all sorts of things that could do them harm. But when it comes to sweets, we all inevitably cave at least once; which means cavities are a real concern all parents should have for the health of their children’s teeth.

The good news is you’re not alone in the mission against cavities! Your local pediatric dentist is your ally against the evil “sugar bugs” and knows the best way to help stave off and prevent the development of plaque that will lead to cavities.

Here are some things every parent should know about cavity prevention, fluoride, and how to keep children’s smiles happy, healthy, and whole.
What Are Cavities and How Do They Form? …show more content…

Cavities require four simple things: a tooth, bacteria (plaque or “sugar bugs”), sugar or other simple carbohydrates, and time.

If plaque build-up on teeth is exposed to simple carbohydrates—a.k.a. sugar—the bacteria will produce acid as a byproduct. If this acid is left to sit on teeth, it leeches the minerals from your pearly smile, weakening the tooth. After enough time, the tooth will break and cause a

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