Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Do you like seeing animals locked up in their very small cages? I think Zoos should be not be kept in the US.

In the past couple weeks People in our class have been debating. They are debating Should we keep Zoos, or should we not keep zoos? There is a debate because many people are Saying zoos help animals People should care about this debate because Would people rather have zoos? Or would rather have more space for things because all zoos are doing is taking animals out of their land, and taking them to zoos. The Zoos just take the animal´s, and they lock them up and people just get to watch them sit there in the small cage alone for about a year. Zoos should not be kept for a lot of reasons! An example is that the animals don't get enough …show more content…

Also, when the animal´s are not in the wilderness their behavior changes. Zoos should not be kept because Zoos have way too much animal´s and all the animal´s should be in the wild living there lovely life. Also, they need to keep track of the animal´s activity. The workers harm the animal´s when they do something what they do in the wild.
The zoos aren't taking care of the animals because the people tease the animal´s, and the zoos don't take proper care of the animals.
People Aren't giving proper care because the Zoos give these fake habitats that look just like the forest But are not real and then the animal´s will get stressed out, then their behavior will change.
The Zookeeper's like to beat the animal´s because what they did in the wild, and then they bring it to the zoo. Zoo´s just make the animal´s worse because they only make them get into a smaller environment, Also, The animals don't get enough energy to be as active as they were in the wild.

Animals aren't in the wild witch make them live a lot shorter because their environment is very small compared to their much bigger environment in the

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