Pros And Cons Of Animals In Zoos

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It’s always fun to go with your friends and family to see cute and exotic animals when you go to the zoo, right? You may think that they have the best life having people to give them things that want and to protect them, but some of them are actually suffering just for our amusement from being in that small enclosure all day and all night. Animals should not be put in zoos because they can develop many mental and physical health problems due to the absence of some natural necessities and they are not always treated as nice as you think. “Zoochosis” is a term used for the specific behaviors that animals in captivity get due to unstimulating or even small enclosures. These behaviors are usually repetitive and purposeless, like pacing and overgrooming. According to one study “the median Pacing can be a way for animals to cope with stress and anxiety, or pacing could be due to a lack of stimulation. I’ve personally seen this in action at a place specifically about wolves and I would see many of these wolves walk up the front of the gate pace for a little and then walk away. They would be in a non-stopping loop coming up pacing and then walking away, pacing and then walking away. Over grooming include pulling out hair or feathers which leaves bald patches, and irritated and broken skin. This can lead up to biting or chewing limbs or tails or hitting head against a wall. It can affect all animals who need that social contact like birds, monkeys, bears, and big cats. Animals usually over groom because of social isolation (which happens a lot in captivity), stress, and anxiety and it’s their only way of coping with it. Research on captive primates and birds has showed that over grooming can lower ones heart rate and make

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