Persuasive Essay: Should Football Players Be Paid

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I think sports players should be payed more.I think this because football players can get injured and sometimes can’t play for the rest of his or her life.So they pay them more because when they get injured they will have to pay for the hospital expences.The soldiers dont get paid as much because they might be over seas and wont be able to use he money. Soldiers make an average of $1,416.30 per month,but the payment increases when rank up and with years of experience.This is what the soldiers choose to do they could have been a football,baseball,or soccer player.The only time soldiers didn’t get to pick what they wanted to become was when they had to be drafted. Yes, it’s scary and wrong that a bunch of random guys are making more money throwing and kicking a ball, rather than someone fighting for our country. Through the principle of “give more money to X” isn’t that simple, the NFL is a private league and company that’s ran by billionaires and investors, because of this the outcome of how much a player makes depends upon the supply and demand of the fans, who purchase and pour money in the league via the investors. …show more content…

For it’s the government’s own facility. And because there isn’t a demand/market for it like there is for the NFL. The soldiers only get what they get based on how much they get from a small percentage of tax dollars. That may seem demented, but that’s how it is, and there nothing we can do about it. These are reasons why sports players should get paid more than soldiers.They risk of them getting injured is for us to be entertained. They also give most of their money to charities. If the sports players gave some of their money to help soldiers out there wouldn’t have to be a debate. But we can’t make

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