Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Zoos are places where animals are kept in pens and enclosures for the pleasure of human entertainment. Most of you know that, and have been to one. But, when you were there did you ever think about the animals well being? Imagine you being in a zoo and having thousands of people walk by you every day staring so deeply at you it scares you a little. Animals in zoos aren't only depressed and sad, but some die because the zoo didn’t have a bigger enclosure. This is why zoos are bad.

OK, so i said that animals in zoos aren't happy. That is because most of the large ranging animals like bison, tigers, and zebras who need miles of land to roam, get little less than 200 feet to live in. And that’s with 3 or 4 animals. I’m not the only one to say it though. No take it from Outdoor Magazine contributor Tim Zimmerman, “ What we definitely know is that animals suffer in zoos- there are high mortality rates, there are injuries, and there's DEPRESSION. “. And that's not the worst of it. Animals in zoos get so depressed that THEY ARE GIVEN ANTIDEPRESSANTS! Seriously, some zoos would go out of business if it wasn't for their animals taking antidepressants. …show more content…

They are supposed to be doing conservation. But no. Animals in zoos that actually need help to save their species only make up of 1% of all the animals that live in zoos. The only reason that zoos should stay is of they take in animals such as the Amur Leopard, which only 30 has been confirmed to be living in the wild since 1969. Zoos could also take in animals that got hurt or orphaned and release them back into the wild when they are

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