Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Elaine Izadi said that “I think there is a change coming for which we are already prepared because kids nowadays consider it obvious that it’s wrong for animals to be caged.” This statement is showing that people today do not see the environment that animals are in compared what they would be in if they were in the wild. Even though some people believe zoos have unhealthy living conditions, zoos should be kept because many animals are close to extinction and they provide jobs.
Although many people do not know but there is a percentage of every animal that is endangered or on the verge of going extinct. Zoos help nurture animals and keep them safe. There are animals that get hurt in the wild or in the streets of a town. Zoos higher the best …show more content…

Some zoos are better at engagement than others. As a matter of fact, not all zoos are good full stop. But, surely that number of visits had to create some sort of connection with the natural world that might not have occurred otherwise.
It is a proven fact that animals in zoos are more stressed than animals in the wild. There are some incidents where lions in a zoo were kept in cramped for 18 hours a day, elephants were being trained with 4,500 electrode volt groads, animals were being disposed in the trash cans. Lions spent 48 percent of the time pacing around. Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to interfere with animals and keep them locked up in captivity, where they are bored, cramped, lonely, deprived of all control over their lives, and far from their natural homes.
At the Virginia Zoo, 10 prairie dogs died when their tunnel collapsed, a rhinoceros drowned in the moat of her exhibit, and a zebra narrowly escaped death after jumping into the lion exhibit, while another lost her life when she bolted from a holding pen, struck a fence, and broke her neck. Also, birds’ wings may be clipped so they are restricted to fly, aquatic animals often go without adequate water, and many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are kept alone or, at most, in

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