Why Do People Lie?

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Some people truly believe that not every single person lies; however, how is it possible to know someone is not lying by one just believing what they said is true. One can ask, “Does everyone lie?” and the answer may be no, but how sure is an individual that the answer is not a lie itself? Lying has two components, the reasons and the consequences. Also defined as the causes and the effects. Although there are upon hundreds of consequences from lying, there are only 3 reasons why humans use this great defense mechanism: to hide information, a matter of habit, and to gain attention.
Primarily, people lie when they need to hide information. Anything that society labels comes with expectations. Whether one is a professor, lawyer, doctor, or anything …show more content…

The habit of lying is formed, like many others, directly from childhood. When parents start lying to their kids, the children have a stronger reason to lie. By lying, the children feel safe. However, this becomes their coping mechanism later in their lives. Unfortunately, it is incredibly hard to break the habit of lying. Constant lying puts a tremendous burden on one to remember; for example, to live the false identity. Over time one will experience: aggression and insecurity due to how one’s habit has affected the mind. Thus, the brain will acknowledge that one is a liar producing insecurity and will also point out that the lie cannot be taken back therefore creating aggression. Lying is particularly made a habit when one must frequently hide information but can also be produced from requiring attention from …show more content…

I remember my friend lying to me about how he got a black eye. He told me his brother punched him playing around but the truth was that he had fought with someone from another school. He had created a new truth. Because I did not know the other person he got in a fight with, I could only rely on his word. Exclusive information leads to greater power and more attention. There are many who live a life full of lies, there are some who are able to justify their lies, even some that protect their lies; however, at the end of the day it costs them their lifestyle and peace. So, if you want most people to tell you the truth, it is important to encourage an atmosphere to tell the truth. If you are listening to a confession, that may be a very important truth. It is for this reason, forgiveness is critical to society. Although some people may still lie and not learn from their mistakes. However, there are many cases where lying is not inhibited again and the individual breaks of that habit and

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