Examples Of The Conclusion Of Memory

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Politicians, most of us have an unfavorable view of the people in Washington DC because of one word, deceitful. We’ve all heard the saying “how do you know a politician is lying? His lips are moving.” Society and the media are so quick to condemn our politicians as soon as a statement they have said has been proven to be inaccurate or false, so the question is: are politicians more likely to lie or are these examples of the “illusion of memory?”
Memory seems like such a simple concept, something happens in your life and you are able to then recall that exact moment days, months, and even years down the road. Well according to The Invisible Gorilla, it might not be that simple thanks to the illusion of memory. The illusion of memory is the …show more content…

However, this is not completely accurate. A memory may appear to be permanent, but it is not. Scientists are discovering that a memory changes every time you think of it. “Every time you recall a memory, it becomes sensitive to disruption.” According to Dr. Eric Kandel from Columbia University, memories are not snapshots that are stored forever, but are collection of brain cells, neurons, that undergo chemical changes every time you recall a memory ("CBC News - Scientists Explore the Illusion of …show more content…

In fact, we might not be able to blame anyone for lying and being deceitful because deception starts at an early age. “At age 2, only 30 percent lie, at age 3, half do. By 5 or 6, 90 percent of kids lie.” Then as we become adults, we lie less often and choose when to be deceitful when it best suits us. For adults, it was about one in every 5 conversations. Another big problem is that we have classifications when it comes to lies- we have real lies and white lies. The distinction on whether they are of equal value is up to each individual, Maurice Schweitzer, from The University of Pennsylvania, stated “there are lies that fall under societal norms and are not very harmful. There are other lies that are self-interested and are really harmful.” However, there are others like DePaolo, the author of “The Hows and Whys of Lies,” who see no distinction between lies and feel that no matter if the lie was motivated by good intentions or not, it is still

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