Persuasive Essay On Trophies Are Endangering Children's Future

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Everyone loves the thrill of receiving a trophy in a championship game. Where children can celebrate a victory with their friends and hold their shiny new trophy, but despite the joy that trophies provide to children in sports nowadays, an “overdose” of these trophies will permanently damage their futures. Some parents, psychologists, and even coaches oppose this idea though. They believe that trophies can have many benefits to how children have an outlook on sports and life in general, and they are right in some cases. Trophies that you “earn” do establish inspiration in children’s minds and can encourage them. However, these beliefs can be very dangerous to children, as these “opponents” are encouraging children who recieve trophies or metals for just about every place, and say that no matter what, they’re a winner. Now, there are many reasons why participation trophies are endangering children’s futures, and there are many others who support this idea that they endanger those children’s futures. …show more content…

According to the Article,”How Participation Trophies Are Making Our Children Soft”,“There are no points for second place.Those words may fly at elite military institutions like Top Gun, in moments winning can mean the difference between life and death, but it is not the case in youth sports leagues across America, where kids get points for coming in first, last, and everyplace in-between. A product of the self-esteem movement, parents and coaches today feel obligated to heap praise on children, no matter if they deserve it or

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