Persuasive Essay On Revenge Is Wrong

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It’s the story you’ve heard over and over again. Someone is murdered, and then there is a trail where the murderer is found guilty and is put on death row. After that, you lose track of what happens. People assume their killed, or get away. That's how the story goes. What about the other story though, not the one painted by media, but the real true gritty story? Someone is murdered, there is an unfair trial where someone is wrongfully convicted based on mental incapabilities, or social status. They are on the list for months, eventually executed using a drug that sometimes doesn’t work right away, and then months later they are found innocent of all charges. Not only is the victim's family still grieving, but now joining them is the family of the innocent man who was killed for a crime he didn't commit. It’s been said online that “There's no greater authority than the power to take life, and our government currently reserves the authority to kill the citizens it's supposed to serve” (Hyden). Our …show more content…

Killing one human does not bring back the loved one you lost. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself, execution doesn't help anyone. It’s not justice, you won't feel relieved. You are going to wake up the next day and still miss you loved one just as much. The only difference is now their is another family missing their loved one that we felt the need to execute. Now we have two broken families, and no healing has happened. None. Online articles even stated that “In fact, I’ve had reporters tell me that family members told them a month or two after the execution that they regretted having been involved in the process”(Voltz). An execution very rarely provides closure for the family, violence doesn't make people feel any better or help them grieve. It just fills them with rage and anger and all the wrong emotions. We need to learn to let it go, not hold on with anger and resentment. Or even worse.. Guilt knowing you wanted someone to

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