Banned Debate: My Sister's Keeper

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Banned Debate: My Sister's Keeper My Sister’s Keeper details the life of Anna Fitzgerald and her family at the most difficult time of their lives. Anna was born so she could become a donor for her sister Kate, who had been diagnosed with Leukemia at a young age. The book has been banned because of the issue of genetically modified children, sexually explicit scenes, mention of drugs, and offensive language. For younger ages this book might be too much to understand but it shouldn’t be banned because it is telling the story that families go through every day. My Sister’s Keeper was the 7th most challenged book in 2009. Some reasons why My Sister’s Keeper has been banned is because of the use of offensive language, and drug use. These were probably the minor reasons why this book was placed on the Banned book list. Most of the bad language is used by Jesse, Anna's older brother. Jesse is extremely rebellious and is neglected by his parents often throughout the story because of his sister Kate. He uses alcohol, drugs, and is an arsonist. His character brought a lot of controversy and he …show more content…

It used the characters to express different perspectives on the same issue. Ultimately it was banned because of a lot of controversial language, sexually explicit situations, mention of drugs, and a lot of other variety of reasons. This book has been removed from the libraries of mostly middle schools and has been banned in their classroom discussion. Though this book has not been banned on a large scale though because most critics think positively about the book. The main issue is just what age group should be permitted to read this book and what age group shouldn’t be allowed to read the book. Whether this book is appropriate for middle school aged students or not is still up for debate but it does raise a lot of questions pertaining to the rights of humans to their own bodies. It also challenges the Medical

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