Persuasive Essay On Mars

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Space. The final frontier. It is the destiny of Humanity to leave our world, colonize the planets of other stars, and spread throughout the farthest reaches of the galaxy. However, we can’t just go out and start colonizing the galaxy overnight. First off, we need to take relative “baby-steps” and colonize another planet in our Solar System. The best candidate for this; Mars. Mars is the best candidate because it has water ice on its surface, it’s not as hot as Venus or Mercury, it has an atmosphere to shield from asteroid impacts, and its days are nearly as long as Earth’s. There are many reasons for colonization, but 3 big ones are; ensuring the survival of Humans, learning more about the planet and its history, and its economic potential. …show more content…

In an interview with Business Insider, Bill Nye, the CEO of the Planetary Society, said, “If humans go to Mars then scientists estimate we could make discoveries 10,000 times faster than the best robot spacecraft explorers we have now.” also says, “As any engineer will tell you, the ease with which a human being can cover a stretch of ground and examine specimens along the way, gathering and processing data, cannot be emulated with a machine.” The rovers and probes that we have sent to Mars so far have gathered an iota of data, but if we had a colony of Human scientist on Mars, we could gather so much more data than what we have been able to collect with probes and rovers over the last 20 years. We could learn about the history of the planet, and the formation of the Solar System. The history of Mars could, possibly, include life. According to, “With its similarity to Earth, there is a strong possibility that bacterial life (or something more?) exists on the planet.” This theory is supported by a statement from John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administrator for science. “Briny water flows during the summer months on Mars, raising the possibility that the planet long thought to be arid could support life today…” The salt-rich water that flows on Mars during the summer would be an oasis for bacterial life on the Martian surface. If bacterial life does indeed exist in the brine-water streams, it would be a game-changing discovery for Humanity. And, as aforementioned, the bacteria growing there could start the process of terraforming the Martian surface and atmosphere to make it more suitable for Human life. Mars is also interesting from a geological standpoint. states, “From a geological standpoint… Mars is exciting because it offers scientists a view of how planets develop. Mars is billions of years older than the Earth, and its features are much more

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